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Frequently Asked Questions

5E Advanced Materials, Inc. | Investor Relations

  • Where is 5E Advanced Materials corporate headquarters?

    9329 Mariposa Rd, Hesperia, CA 92344

  • Who is 5E Advanced Materials independent auditor?

    Price Waterhouse Cooper (PWC)

  • When did 5E Advanced Materials go public?

    5E Advanced Materials went public on the ASX on March 1, 2022 and on the NASDAQ on March 15, 2022

  • On what stock exchange is 5E Advanced Materials traded and under what symbol?

    Our common stock is traded on the NASDAQ under the ticker symbol “FEAM”.

    We are also traded on the ASX under the ticker symbol “5EA”.

  • When does 5E Advanced Materials fiscal year end?

    The Company’s fiscal year ends on June 30th each year.

  • Who is 5E Advanced Materials transfer agent?

    Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited

  • How can I purchase 5E Advanced Materials’ shares?

    You can buy shares of 5E Advanced Materials stock through any licensed brokerage firm.

  • Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?

    Send us an email at FEAM@alpha-ir.com

  • Where can I find all the SEC filings for 5E Advanced Materials? Where can I download and view quarterly and annual reports?

    You can find all of our SEC filings in the SEC Filings page of our IR site.

  • How do I get added to 5E Advanced Materials email distribution?

    You can sign up for our email alerts at the Email Alerts page of our IR site.

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